Cyber Attack Recovery: A Business-Wide Challenge

When most people think of cybersecurity attack recovery, they think IT: removing malware, restoring systems, patching vulnerabilities. While that’s important, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  The reality is that recovery from a major cyber attack goes far beyond the IT department, it involves every function of the business: PR and executive leadership, HR, […]

Empowering Your Business Users: ShadowHQ now offers Out-of-Band Communication and access to files for Internal Teams

Organizations must prepare for various scenarios, including those where users across the business outside the response team play critical roles. During a major attack, key business units and leadership teams rely on IT and Security to provide communication options that ensure business continuity. This reliance underscores the importance of enabling secure, out-of-band communication for internal […]

From Response to Resilience: How ShadowHQ and VCURA are Elevating Cybersecurity for Companies of All Sizes

In today’s fast-evolving cyber landscape, companies of all sizes are taking proactive steps to elevate their cybersecurity posture. Whether it’s for preventing a breach or recovering from one, organizations are working to strengthen their incident response and preparedness capabilities. To do this effectively, they’re blending a mix of trusted service partners and advanced technologies that […]

How to Run a Tabletop Exercise

group of IT professionals in a training meeting

Incident response plans prepare organizations for a wide range of possible scenarios that threaten the business. Creating these plans beforehand gives teams a playbook to look to when a cybersecurity incident response becomes necessary. According to IBM, the cost of a data breach in 2023 was an average US$4.45 million — a 15% increase over […]

Cost of a Data Breach: 5 Ways Your Cyber Disaster Recovery Plan is Increasing Costs

Data breaches are a growing concern across all industries, and for good reason — they’re expensive and possibly an existential threat. The increasing data breach costs make defending against them required, not optional. The latest IBM Cost of a Data Breach in 2024 report indicates that the average global cost of a breach is US […]

5 Reasons Why Customers Love ShadowHQ for Secure Communications

Businesses need secure communications to withstand disasters and crises that take primary infrastructure offline. But how can you securely stay in contact when your infrastructure is offline or compromised? The solution: secure, out-of-band communication like ShadowHQ. Our unique platform gives your teams the tools to communicate and collaborate in a crisis, enabling faster responses and […]

It’s Almost 2025 — Why It’s Time to Ditch Old School Call Trees

Incident response processes are crucial to ensure business continuity and minimize any downtime throughout the organization. However, relying on a manual crisis management plan, such as a binder and paperwork, can increase the timeframe between the incident and resolution. Relying on phone calls, faxes, and call trees can significantly hinder communications when they’re needed most. […]

What Should Your Incident Response Playbooks Look Like?

Incident response playbooks have become critical for any industry as we face an evolving risk landscape. Incident response plans guide so that response teams don’t need to decide every step during an active incident. Your incident response playbook should contain blueprints for responding to a wide range of scenarios, focusing on risks that impact operations […]